A Google search for "MS 13" would turn in about 100,000 results, including images, video and written various articles from neutral partial points of view. The purpose of this article is to give history and facts about the Mara Salvatrucha 13 gang.
To answer the question, what is the MS-13 gang initially we where and how you should look at home. The question arose of how hard to answer, but look at the historical facts, may make his / their ownConclusions.
The relationship between the United States and El Salvador:
The United States has developed an interest in the countries of Central America during the Cold War and the interest grew stronger as the war against drugs was widespread in 1980. In a Time magazine article titled, come take a 16-Written in March 1981, the unnamed author found that in 1980 the Carter administration, 19 American officers had to train Salvadoran troopsAnti-guerrilla warfare. In 1981, the Reagan administration will continue to support the Salvadoran troops with training and provide more than $ 25 million of new equipment for El Salvador, including warships, helicopters, vehicles and other small arms. For more information, visit the Time Magazine on-line (power line for a bargain. (1981, March 16).
The roots of the Mara Salvatrucha-13:
There is disagreement about where MS-13 gang of origin, some believe its roots are in El Salvador;one of the first members, Alex Sanchez explained that the band actually started in 1980 in the metropolitan area of Los Angeles, California, as a group of "stoners" and fans of heavy metal music, new arrivals from El Salvador ( See National Geographic Explorer show a preview of February 12, 2006 and was the journalist Lisa Ling, episode title: world's most dangerous course).
In 1980, when civil war erupted in El Salvador, about 1 million have fled El SalvadorUnited States. A large number of these newcomers in the Greater Los Angeles El Salvador, which has been plagued by a low-income communities with gangs and crime is already solved. The current population of Mexican-American who lived in this area were not particularly welcoming of the new group are those of the established Mexican American gangs. The young Salvadoran immigrants were excluded from these local bands.
Stoner lit a small group of internationalAnswer:
In response to the victimization of young people of El Salvador, has formed a group that had initially suffered only "stoners", but later in a very dangerous gang, the Mara Salvatrucha or MS-13 is developed. Mara is a slang Spanish or Central American gang and means. The importance of the Salvatrucha is unknown, but probably means Salvadorans on alert, because the root of the word is salvation and the previous "trucha" means to be vigilant. The number 13 represents the letter M and is a number,by many bands, the California prison Sure, the Mexican Mafia are connected.
Today, more than 100,000 members in 33 states in America can and more than 40,000 in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and in Canada. The FBI believes that MS-13 members are involved in drug trafficking and sales, extortion, kidnapping, arms smuggling and sales, extortion, robbery, rape, murder and other crimes. Made from the refinement of the violence MS-13 is a formidabletransition and that deserves special attention from various police authorities. Some of the members of MS-13 has proven to be ex-military, and many had (developed by US-led military training camp in 1970), extensive military training in El Salvador and the School of the Americas.
After committing crimes of gang members are usually deported to their country of birth. Since MS-13 members were sent back to countries with weak infrastructure and law enforcement policy, found themselves lostand undesirable. They landed in a plane with no luggage and with only the clothes on their backs. Some of the deportees were no longer members of the family in their home countries and have found their second family with the strong presence of bands. One of the deportees' shared in common, tattoos, lack of education and violent past behind. They arrived with no roots in a country alienated, very different from the American inner-city neighborhoods have been if they had learned something, GangCulture.
The United States has a standard policy to deport immigrants who commit crimes, agreed. Some believe that this policy back-fired for the removal of these members of criminal gangs have helped bands such as MS-13, presented his power, the poor and weak countries, the (i) has few resources, and (ii ) lack of knowledge for running a sophisticated criminal organization. Youth in poor areas of El Salvador admire the American and deported this admiration with the weak governmentInfrastructure of El Salvador, helped recruit the transition with ease and then spread its power.
Currently, MS-13 is still considered one of the most feared gangs in the United States and Central America. However, in Central America, governments have established campaigns in an attempt to counter-attack of the bands above. The police arrested the only person charged with involvement band, and are based on the presence of a person and the content of the tattoos. There are no death squadsVersion known gang members, but the governments of these countries refuse to accept any official involvement.